Prayer Request - Wings Of the Wind Deliverance Ministry

Amos 3:7—"Surely the Lord God without do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets."
Online  Giving
Bishop Gary L. Lamb, Sr
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Prayer Request

It is our greatest pleasure to prayer with you and for you. Whether your request is spoken or un-spoken, indicate it in the box below and rest assured that there is no distance in prayer. We prayer with expectancy, may your needs be met and your deliverance be instant. God bless you.

Wings Of The Wind Deliverance Ministry Int
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James: 4:8
Testimony /Praise Report/ Prayer Requests
Revelation- Pray that the God of revelation will open your spiritual eyes to see the battles that are going on, in the spiritual realm but the power and authority bestowed upon us from the heavenly realm have brought us over and above all principalities and powers, thanks to Jesus Christ who did it on the cross of Calvary. It was from the cross that Peter and Paul did wonders in their ministries. It was from the cross that we are performing God's will on earth today. My brothers and sisters, pray for God's revelation of yourself in Him. Without this truth, there is no kingdom of God on earth for you. Pray! Pray! Pray!!
Testimony/ Prayer Requests
Prayer Request
Praise Report
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165 Eastern Blvd (2.84 mi)
Montgomery, Alabama 36117
(334) 538-7936

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